Muni University Imam set to marry third wife 

Muni University Imam marrying his third wife

Muni University Imam set to marry third wife 

KOBOKO -UGANDA,  November 13, 2023:  On December 17, 2023,  the trading centre nerve of Nyai in Koboko district will be at standstill as a number of notable Muslim scholars, relatives, friends and other eminent personalities within and outside West Nile region will throng Nyai primary school play ground to witness the Nikah ceremony of Muni University Imam Sheik Ibrahim Chabdia who will be marrying his third wife  Nadia Nafisi headteacher of Ubora Secondary School in  Koboko. 

Sheik Ibrahim who holds B.A Education from Islamic University of Uganda (IUIU), MA Management Bugema University and pursuing PHD at Makerere University  and who is also Member of General Assembly Uganda Muslim Supreme Council  representing Koboko district as well the  Patron for  Muslim Students Assaociation of West Nile region must be a devout Muslim who believes in fulfilling all the tenets of the religion to its letters. 

He  married his first wife the mother of four children, who is a teacher  in 2005 and  tied knot with the second wife mother of three children a business administrator in 2018, now he is marrying the  third wife who is a teacher by profession.

According to him, he presented his manifesto to marry the third wife in a family meeting with the two wives who perused through it and latter sanctioned the manifesto for action.
Polygany is permitted in Islam where a man can marry one, two, three or four wives, in the sense that he is capable of maintaining them and Sheik Ibrahim flaunts that polygamy benefits both husband and wives where the  religious and social status is inflated by man's demonstration of guardianship and economic capability and also protecting women  from the chaos of the outside world.
According to him, beyond religious and social benefits of polygamy, the practice offers periodic relief from domestic responsibilities as wives can  take turns preparing the household's meals, doing laundry and attending to their husband in roughly three-day cycles where co-wives experience a situation in which domestic chores ideally are shared among congenial companions.
The anticipated colourful  Nikkah will be officiated at higher level by the West Nile Regional Assistant Mufti Sheik Mahad Mahamud Reyhan.